Get to know us

Scientific curator
Alicia Durán

Technical curator
Eduardo Actis

John M. Parker, David Pye, John Mauro, Julian Jones, Delia Brauer, Himanshu Jain, Peng Shou, Giancarlo Righini, Setsuhisa Tanabe, John Ballato, Sol Camacho, Erik Muijsenberg, Michael Delle Selve, Karen Davies, Beatriz Egido, Emiliano López, Jessamy Kelly, Teresa Medici y Alicia Durán

General coordination
Área de Cultura Científica y Ciencia Ciudadana del CSIC. Paloma Arroyo, Laura Llera y Eduardo Actis

Martín García Diéguez



The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the most important public institution dedicated to research in Spain and one of the leading research institutions in Europe. Attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, its fundamental goal is to develop and promote research for the benefit of scientific and technological progress. The driving force of the CSIC’s research comprises its more than 140 centres and institutes in all fields of knowledge, distributed throughout all the autonomous communities, and its over 13,000 workers. The CSIC’s Área de Cultura Científica y Ciencia Ciudadana (Citizens’ Science and Scientific Culture Division) works on taking scientific research to society through different initiatives and dissemination actions in multiple formats.


The Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, which belongs to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ICV-CSIC), specializes in the study and development of glass and ceramic materials. The ICV-CSIC’s GlaSS research group is the reference in Spain for the study and development of glasses and glass ceramics, from the basic science to collaboration with the Spanish glass industry. The ICV-CSIC is leading the International Year of Glass 2022, approved by the United Nations with the sponsorship of the Spanish Mission at the UN.


The Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) is a public foundation, reporting to the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Created in 2001, FECYT’s mission is to strengthen the links between science and society through actions that promote open inclusive science, culture and scientific education.